In addition to filling up on corn dogs and fried Twinkies, visitors to the California State Fair this year can learn about the history of civil rights in the Golden State. The California Court of Appeal's Third Appellate District is hosting an exhibit that celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg address by tracing significant moments in national and California civil rights law.
The exhibit traces the evolution of civil rights from California's 1850 Declaration of Rights, to cases that opened all of the state's schools to minority students in the 1940s, to civil rights rulings in the 1960s that opened city-owned golf courses to African Americans. These developments are juxtaposed with key national civil rights advancements.
To see more about the freedom to learn, the freedom of choice in housing, the freedom to play and much more, take a look at the timeline that's on display at the California State Fair from July 12 through July 28, shown below (click image to enlarge).